Manager’s Message

Manager’s Message

It gives great pleasure to note that Smt. Phoolpati Devi Intermediate College is doing a commendable job by imparting a purposeful education to the young ones and making them a useful member of society. The college has been shown tremendous progress during last 25 years which has been possible due to hard work & dedication displayed by the Principal and the staff who are worthy of commendations. I have no doubt that the college will continue to strive hard in its pursuit for excellence. May God be with you in all your future endeavourment.

ndeed, it requires a special effort that can turn learning into a life-long journey of enquiry and discovery, resulting in knowledge that forms the base of growth and development as in the era of knowledge and skill-based competition, the growth of our nation will depend on how best we can raise and use our intellectual capital towards the development of the same.

We provide a place where a child is nurtured intellectually, psychologically and spiritually and helped to unfold his/her inner and external capabilities and is also further helped to discover the real interest, passion and ultimately, the purpose of life.

May God bless you all with peace and prosperity and reward your noble actions with the unending bliss.

Warm regards

Mr. Roshan Lal Vats
Smt. PhoolPati Devi Inter
College-Bamrauli, Prayagraj

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