• No one who is late or has been absent on the previous day will be allowed to enter the class without producing an application duly signed by the parent or guardian.
  • Leave of absence is not granted except on prior written application from parents/guardian (except in unforeseen circumstances), and, then only for serious reasons.
  • Absence from school prior to test may adversely affect the student’s grade in the tests and no re-test will be given to those who absent themselves.
  • Absence for 10 days without leave renders the pupil l iable to have his/her name st ruck off the rolls. Readmission will be subject to the availability of seat and on payment of a fresh admission fee.
  • All are expected to attend the class on the reopening day after each vacation. Those who are absent without leave/permission will have to pay a fine of Rs. 25/. per day. Those who absent themselves due to illness, must inform the school before or on the reopening day and present a medical certificate before they are admitted to class.
  • It is important that the students develop a sense of patriotism. Attendance on Independence Day (Aug 15) and Republic Day (Jan 26) is compulsory. Those who absent, themselves shall be required to pay a fine of Rs. 50/- each.
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