Principal’s Message

Principal’s Message

A school is an institution designed for the teaching of students (or "pupils") under the direction of teachers. In ancient India, schools were in the form of Gurukuls. During the Mughal rule, Madrasahs were introduced in India to educate the children of Muslim parents. British records show that indigenous education was widespread in the 18th century, with a school for every temple, mosque or village in most regions of the country.

Under the British rule in India, Christian missionaries from England, USA and other countries established missionary and boarding schools throughout the country. Later as these schools gained in popularity, more were started and some gained prestige. Today most of the schools follow the missionary school model in terms of tutoring, subject / syllabus, governance etc. with minor changes. Schools in India range from schools with large campuses with thousands of students and hefty fee to schools where children are taught under a tree with a small / no campus and are totally free of cost.

Smt.Phoolpati Devi Inter College was established in the year 2000 with a vision to cater the educational needs of the marginalized. The school had a humble beginning. The founder, Mr. Roshan Lal Vats, a simple, down-to-earth person, with a clear vision and mission planted the sapling. The initial stage was quite challenging for the founder who had no resources or infrastructure to facilitate the much needed comforts. The school motto ‘Education First’ played a vital role at this stage. The students had the experience of Gurukul system in the initial stages. The students wholeheartedly adapted themselves to the new environment and gained knowledge. The founder of the institution spent days and nights brazing all sorts of climatic odds with the determination to provide quality education the poorest of the poor. Today the sapling has grown into a plant. This was possible not because of any magical wand but strong determination, honesty, humility and faith in the Almighty.

School with its motto ‘Education First and Truth Triumphs’ gives more emphasis on all round development of the Child. That is, it draws the best out of its students and entails intense participation and extensive teamwork. The institution with its holistic approach strives to mould a child with emotional, psychological and moral competence.

Staff plays a vital role in supporting students who sometimes bring life’s little problems to school with them which needs immediate attention. The success of this institution is due to the individual and collective skills, commitment and hard work of the each member of the staff. I appreciate their love and dedication to make the school motto a reality

The strength of the institution is each and every member of the society, whether it is a Parent, Guardian, Well - Wisher or a Benefactor. We wish to have a cordial and healthy relationship with everyone so that we can produce confident and enterprising students.

Come and pay a visit to interact, know and help us know that is unknown…

Warm regards

Smt. PhoolPati Devi Inter
College-Bamrauli, Prayagraj

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