Summer Uniform
For Boy(KG - IV)
  • Navy Blue Shorts and half Sleevs white shirts
  • School Monogram
  • Black shoes and Blue socks
  • School belt.
For Girls(KG - VII)
  • Navy Blue Skirt and half Sleeves white shirts
  • Black shoes and Blue socks
  • School belt.
  • School Monogram.
For Boy(V- VII)
  • Navy Blue Pant
  • Half-sleeves White shirt
  • black shoes and Blue socks.
For Girls(VIII- XII)
  • White salwar
  • navy Blue kurtas, (short sleeves)
  • Black shoes and blue socks.
  • School belt.
  • White ribbon, hair band or clips for the hair.
Winter Uniform
  • The school neck-ties, monogramms and badges to be worn by every pupil
  • Students wearing turbans must come with grey coloured turbans and no other colour will be allowed.
  • For P.T. students must wear white canvas shoes, white shirts and white pants/divided skirts.
  • Students who are dirty in dress, person or are without uniform will not be permitted to sit in the class.
  • If a pupil is obliged to come to school without the proper uniform, he should get a note of satisfactory explanation from his/her parents, otherwise he will not be admitted to class.
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